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CFHS Roof Updates

Hey Wildcats! Welcome to the HS Roof Replacement Project Update page. We're so glad to get started on this important project, and we couldn't have done it without your gracious support in passing the recent levy. Our aim is to have the new roof ready to go by the time school starts up again in the fall, making sure everything's safe and sound for our students and staff. Be sure to check back here often for the latest updates throughout the summer.

Thanks again for supporting us and helping to make this project happen!

Page Updated: October 22, 2024

CFHS 2024 Roof Restoration Report


CFHS Roof Project

Exposed Roof Decking

In this photo you can see the underside of the roof decking resting on the original trusses (red). This is a good section of the pan decking, one area that was not compromised.

Classroom Demo

Demolition working being done in the classrooms on the second floor.

Scaffold Over the Stairs

Crews install scaffolding over the stairwell leading to the second floor. The scaffolding is in place to allow for access to the ceiling for removal.

Demo'd Hallway

Photo of the upstairs hallway, cleaned up and ready for the work to begin. Looking South with removed light fixtures in the hallway.

Trusses and Pan Decking

New roof trusses and metal pan decking staged in the East Parking lot at the high school. The taller tarped items you see is the insulation for the roof.

Demo Rubble

You can see the existing trusses and the old pan decking that is in terrible shape.

Rusted Pan Decking

Confirmation that the roof was not in good shape and the replacement was necessary.

Demo Route

Demolition of the existing roof has been a process. The floors have been protected as the demo has not allowed for an easy process to take place.

Roof Tabs on Existing Trusses

You can see the tabs that were attached to the existing trusses. These were used to attach the old pan decking to the trusses.

Stairwell Demo

View down the stairwell outside the English Department.

Damaged Roof Deck

You can see the damage of the old roof decking. Very thin and you can tear it with your hands.

Damage Roof Decking showing rusted and failing decking.

Image showing the damaged roof decking and the reasoning for replacing the whole roof.

Cabinet removal in Mr. Peacock's classroom.

There was extensive water damage behind the cabinets in Mr. Peacock's classroom. Those lower cabinets were removed due to the mold growth and the delamination of the cabinets.

Belfor packing and organization.

The organizational work of Belfor has been greatly appreciated. They take an inventory, pictures, and label all boxes that they pack. This is a huge help to our staff and our district!

Image showing the new steel studs used to frame up a new wall on the north side of the building on the second floor.

A new north wall needed to be installed in order to anchor the outer brick facade wall back into the building. The wall was originally built with no tiebacks to the wall, leaving the wall able to lean away from the building. Glad we were able to fix this now!

Tile in boxes by the east doorway.

The tile for the floor is being staged in the hallway leading to the east doors by Mr. Peacock's room.

October 16, 2024

This message was sent to parents and guardians at the high school as well as staff members in the district on October 16, 2024 at around 5:00 pm.

Hello Wildcats/kats,

This past Monday, I reported to the board of trustees that we were awaiting two important pieces of information in regards to the high school restoration project. These two pieces of information are the arrival date of the first floor lighting and the heater delivery date for the first and second floor units. Well, late last night we received one of the critical pieces of information.

We have learned that the lights for the first floor will arrive in 4-6 weeks. This is disheartening on multiple levels, but it does not do me any good to focus on that. What I am focusing on now is that we can now make a plan. This piece of information allows for us to start planning for occupancy of the building. We do not have that plan as of this message, but we can now start working on it. We want what is best for students and staff and we will not compromise on safety.

I would like to ask for your patience while the high school staff begins the process of laying out all the options on what steps can be taken now that we know. The administration will work with outside agencies to determine what options are possible. We will get a couple of scenarios lined out and then take them to the staff for review. When the time comes, we will gladly welcome, encourage, and accept feedback on the future steps to ensure we make the best decisions for our students, staff, and community.

Again, we now have one critical component target that we can begin planning on and construct the best option possible. We will continue to focus on a safe and positive learning environment for all.

Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

August 15, 2024: Location Decision

Subject: Upcoming High School Classes Location Update

Dear Wildcats,

As many of you know, our high school recently sustained significant damage, necessitating some changes for the upcoming school year. After careful consideration and numerous discussions with various agencies, including today's final meetings with the Fire Chief and Building Inspector, we have decided to continue face-to-face instruction throughout the district. Our goal is to maintain a high level of educational excellence while ensuring the safety of our students and staff.

We will utilize classroom spaces in the high school, from the front office to the gymnasium, as well as the art annex. Canyon Elementary School is also being prepared to accommodate additional students. Students will be housed in unaffected sections of the building, isolated from ongoing construction. Necessary safety measures will be in place to ensure a secure learning environment.

We understand the importance of our students being with their teachers and peers. This decision supports our commitment to providing the best possible learning opportunities while fostering social interaction among students.

The staff at Columbia Falls High School (CFHS) will begin building-level planning this week to finalize logistics and ensure a productive start to the school year. We anticipate utilizing these temporary locations until on or around October 25, 2024, which is less than a quarter of the school year. This timeline allows us to ensure that all construction is completed and that safety requirements are met.  This area of the high school will be pristine, ready for many years to come. Please standby for additional information from our building level staff. They will begin working out the details of what a day at CFHS will look like during this time. The staff at CFHS is a creative and dedicated team and I know that they will produce the best plan possible. We emphasize the importance of flexibility, understanding, and creativity during this period. We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we navigate these challenges together.

As we make these adjustments, we must ensure the building is restored correctly. This will be achieved through the use of an industrial hygienist. An industrial hygienist is a professional dedicated to protecting the health and safety of people in the workplace and the community. They assess and control environmental factors that may affect the health and well-being of individuals. In our case, they will ensure that the construction and repair processes do not pose any health risks and that the building is safe for students and staff upon their return.

This decision is the culmination of extensive effort over the past twelve days. Many components were considered, and a lot of work has been accomplished to get us to this point. Throughout this process, we sought accurate information and collaborated to design the best possible scenario for our students and staff. We are grateful for the dedication and commitment of everyone involved in this effort, and we are confident in the path forward.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding. We are confident that, together, we will make this a successful and enriching school year for all.


Cory J. Dziowgo


Columbia Falls School District #6



August 9, 2024

Written message from the video above.

Hello Wildcats,
This is Cory Dziowgo, Superintendent of Columbia Falls and proud father of three Wildcats of my own. I’m reaching out today regarding the high school roof replacement project.

Over the past few days, we have been closely monitoring the progress of the roof replacement. Swank Enterprises has been intensifying their efforts to achieve substantial completion of the project, and we are seeing significant progress on the installation of the new roof system. We appreciate their dedication and the resources they’ve allocated to ensure that this roof will last for many years to come.

Unfortunately, over the past six weeks, we’ve experienced some rain events that have caused damage inside the building. While the rain has been much needed for our area, we certainly didn’t need it inside the school. To address this, we have contracted Belfor Property Restoration, a nationally recognized company specializing in large-scale restoration projects. They have been onsite since Wednesday, August 7, to assess the situation and provide guidance. An industrial hygienist has also been brought in to ensure we fully understand the scope of the project and to oversee that the repairs are done to the highest standards, ensuring the safety and health of our Wildcats.

In the coming days, you’ll notice new equipment and an increased labor force on the high school campus. This week, we are finalizing a remediation plan, which will include a well-defined scope of work and a clear sequence for how the work will proceed.

We aim to have this plan completed by Monday, August 12, 2024. I understand that the start of school is rapidly approaching, and there are many uncertainties. However, one thing I can assure you is that we will repair our building correctly and to industry standards. We will not cut corners, overlook tasks, or put the safety of our students, staff, and community at risk. Our commitment is to provide the best facility and learning environment for our students.

We have increased the frequency of our meetings, and once plans are made, we will ensure they are communicated promptly. Please know that as soon as we have information, we will share it with you. There are currently no plans to delay the start of the school year or to move away from in-person learning. Once we receive the structured timeline for the restoration, we will review the school schedule accordingly. Our goal is to do this right to ensure the best possible outcome.

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer. If you have any questions, comments, thoughts, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

And remember—Go Wildcats!

July 30, 2024

We hosted our last Owner Architect Contractor (OAC) meeting on Wednesday, 7/24 at 3 pm. All members were present and we worked through the successes and challenges that have happened over the past two weeks. They have continued to implement additional safety precautions on the jobsite and that has proven effective. Once the roof membrane (white covering) has been removed, it exposes additional precautions. The white membrane has been providing some reflective properties and keeping the heat down a bit, but once removed things have started to heat up a bit. Think of it like a smoldering haybale. The heat forms from within and then smolders when oxygenated. That has been addressed with the demo crew placing water soaked welding blankets over the exposed edges to limit oxygen entering the process. The other issue is that without the membrane, workers are falling through the decking material. They are removing the worst section now (see above pictures) and it is a slow process.

This week and the following week, the demolition crew will move over to the south end of the building to start removing that portion of the roof. This will allow for access to the south stairwell for when school begins. As of now, it does not appear that we will have access to all classrooms at the start of the school year. We are still striving for that deadline, but as I am typing this it is actively raining in CFalls. Some much needed moisture but causing delays in the roofing project. 

We had a new development from the week's worth of construction. We have become aware that the outside brick on veneer/facade on the north wall of the instructional wing is not tied back into the internal framework. The roof appeared to be holding that wall in place (vertical) and with the roof removed, it is now starting to lean away from the structure. Jackola Engineering is reviewing possible solutions for securing that wall and there are discussions of removing the whole brick veneer/facade if it is not tied back to the structure (both levels). We know that it was discussed that the only changes would be roof off--roof on for this project but this is something that we cannot ignore. We need to ensure the building is structurally sound and prepared for the many years ahead of it. We are hopeful that the solution would not cause any further delays and all options are being reviewed.

Pan Decking has begun being craned up to the top of the building and staged for installation. It is great to see that crane swinging! The HVAC improvements have also been moving along with new air handlers being installed in the Little Theatre. We even thought it would be a great time to clean the years worth of dust and debris out of the ductwork while we had the opportunity. That project will be wrapped up prior to school starting (from the locker rooms to the theatre) and will be a noticeable change.

The OAC meeting in August will provide another timeline for making some decisions and contingency plans. We will continue to keep people informed and those involved that have a close stake in the startup process. We are all pushing for progress to ensure a smooth start to the school year and that is our target. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding during this project. We cannot thank the community enough for allowing this project to happen thanks to your vote. We are making progress!

July 16, 2024

As I sure you have already heard, there was a small fire on the roof at the high school on the evening of July 15. I am so grateful for the rapid response of staff members, Columbia Falls Fire Department, Evergreen Fire Department, Whitefish Fire Department, Kalispell Fire Department, EMS Services, Columbia Falls Police Department and other first responders that arrived on the scene so quickly.  We had CFalls Staff members in the building working with students that responded appropriately to ensure their safety as well. The quick response and skilled training of the responders kept the damage to a minimum and only in the old roof material itself. Restoration efforts began last night around 9 pm as well as continued monitoring of the roof. The roof replacement project has been moving along and the crews working on the roof have been following the safety protocols that are in place. This was just an event that happened. Our contractors were on the scene last night and they were already discussing alternative ways that they can complete their work that might eliminate the chances of another event happening. The discussion of fire prevention has been part of the daily discussions on the job site.

Thanks again for all who responded in person and in thought. These are all manageable challenges that will be overcome thanks to the determination, grit, and understanding of our community.

July 12, 2024

We are moving now! The rain was great for the area and really provided some much needed moisture. Unfortunately, it delayed the project a bit as the crews had to prepare each night for rain. The pace of the demolition has increased and they have over 50 feet of the roof removed. It has been slow going (as you can see in the pictures above), but the crews are in good spirits. By the end of next week (7/19) we will have over 70 feet of new trusses in place out of the 240 feet project. On July 24 we will be meeting again and will have a solid understanding of the timeline for the project. Everyone is committed to getting the project done and for ensuring a smooth start to the school year. We will continue to keep you posted along the way. Thank in advance for your understanding.

June 24, 2024

Well, you can see daylight from the second floor! The crews have been putting in the hours to make some headway these past couple of weeks. We were able to release three rooms to Swank Enterprise (SE) prior to the end of the school year, thanks to our ever dedicated staff and flexible students. This allowed for a head start on the project and we are appreciative of any extra time that we can get.

It is also great to see the long awaited trusses in the parking lot. Next up for them will be to start placing them on the roof alongside the existing  trusses. It is fantastic to see the materials on site as that means we can proceed without waiting for materials.

Every other Wednesday, the Owner (District), Architect (Jackola), and Contractor (Swank Enterprise) will participate in a meeting to discuss project timelines, hiccups, and any necessary clarifications for the project. These OAC meetings are very useful to keep everyone on the same page during the construction and to address items in a timely manner.